Sunghee Park


Piano teacher
EdTech entrepreneur
Startup mentor

formerly known as Boram

I work with
music students,
teachers and
startup founders
to create meaningful results.

How I can help you

Whiteboard of wireframes ux ui

Music Lessons

For Students
As evidence of the effectiveness of my teaching methodologies, all of my students have passed their exams. This includes those taking ABRSM, Trinity, MTB, and music university entrance exams. My students range in age from 4 to over 60, and encompass all skill levels.In addition,

For Teachers
I currently publish weekly YouTube content aimed at music tutors. This content helps onboard teachers and encourages them to utilise technology in their teaching environment. The goal is to make music education more accessible, effective, and engaging.

University Workshops

Leveraging my experience with the University of London (SOAS), Brunel University, and the Big Issue team, I've empowered university students to navigate the startup ecosystem effectively. My 1:1 mentorship sessions provide targeted insights, pinpointing gaps in their plans and strategizing improvements to bring their ideas to fruition. My areas of expertise include:

- Constructing Robust Business Concepts
- Conducting Thorough Market Research and Validation
- Guiding Product Development and the Creation of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
- Navigating Fundraising and Investment Opportunities
- Implementing an Evidence-Based EdTech Framework
- Crafting Digitisation Strategies for Teams and Professionals

Startup Founders Coaching

Currently, I am an EdTech consultant at Dohe Accelerator, assisting numerous startup founders across various fields to identify societal needs and deliver optimal solutions. Drawing from my experience of running a music EdTech startup in the UK and Korea, I offer advice grounded in my real-life experiences, ensuring its relevance to each founder's unique situation.


Before my startup venture, I worked as a music composer and sound designer for various films, drama, and game projects. These projects included clients such as BBC, Channel 4, ITV, and many others.

I use creative tools such as Adobe and Figma for graphics and content. I use Webflow to build websites.

Why Webflow?

It allows pixel perfect development

It makes development much faster

It makes internal team more flexible

I can make delightful interactions and animations

It's 100% SEO friendly

I build with clean and efficient code, using Client-First.

Your site will load super fast

Hyper-secure, as standard

Why me?

I can speak fluently in 3 languages.
Korean, Spanish & English.

I am constantly learning.

I have been working in education sector for 16 years.

I reach out people who are giving positive impact.

I can use multiple types of professional software.

I am passionated to teach and learn on multiple disciplines.

You will see your views widened after my lessons or workshops.

I am fun to work with! :)

It was an absolute pleasure to collaborate with Sunghee where she contributed towards Brunel University London's onsite Design Factory Challenge with Hannam University, South Korea. She designed and delivered a carefully crafted content rich workshop tailored to the diverse learning needs of the student participants. Her session on identifying mission critical KPIs for startups and navigating impact measurement frameworks was enlightening and delivered with a clear focus on practical application. Top rated!

Ryan Smith

Project Manager – Design Plus & Design Factory & Placement Module Leader for Design

Sunghee was a mentor on the SOAS Student Enterprise accelerator programme where she gave students who had won Santander Universities UK funding invaluable expert advice on how they could successfully launch and grow their own startups. Her in-depth entrepreneurship knowledge and strong communication skills were evident when she delivered a workshop to the entrepreneurial community on getting SEIS ready as well as an online webinar on developing a business idea in Korean for our international community.I highly recommend Sunghee for her professionalism, dedication and insightful contributions.

Farida Danmeri

Entrepreneurship Consultant at Brunel, SOAS University

Sunghee has been teaching me for some years, using Synkii, and in person. She is a hugely talented pianist, and an outstanding teacher. She has great patience, always remains calm, and has many ways to vary a lesson to meet the needs of the pupil. When we use Synkii, the ability to see both my keyboard and hers on the screen, illuminating which keys are being pressed, is a great bonus. Synkii also shows the teacher and pupil, and can also show sheet music, video and other supporting content. Lesson notes and videos are saved, and it is great to refer back to them. Even when Sunghee has visited Korea we have continued the lesson with no degradation in the instant response of the app. Fantastic.

Philip Barrass

Business Change Manager at Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Download my free checklist “7 key elements for a brand identity that works”

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How long does it take to rebrand my company?

The timeline for a rebrand (strategy and design) depends on the project scope, the size of the brand, its goals, and how deep we go with the strategy. On average, it could take anywhere from 3 to 8 weeks.

How long does it take build a website?

The time required to build a website depends on several factors, such as complexity, strategy, number of pages, development, and specific integrations. Generally, the project can take anywhere from 3 to 12 weeks.

What’s your process?

Learn, strategy, Create.
Do you want to know more?

How much does it cost?

I don't have a price list. The projects I work on are all unique and different, as are the services I offer. This implies that the prices are also customized according to the scope of work. To get an idea of the price of the services you need, jump on a call with me.